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Hop Along Easter Memory Lane

What do you remember as a child on Easter morning? You spent at least one afternoon coloring Easter eggs with the vinegar and dye mixture I’m sure! Boy those were so pretty with their pastel colors! The designs were perfectly planned out when dipping the eggs in the mixture! Maybe you wrote your name on it first and your name stood out against the vivid hue! We made sure to put them in the refrigerator before Easter morning so they would be ready to put in the grassy basket!

Speaking of baskets…what basket did you use? Did your parents choose one for you and you used it every year or did you get to pick your own? Some baskets were handed down as tradition and each generation was honored to have the basket to pass on. Inside the basket was really the treasure, wasn’t it? Jelly beans, those controversial Peeps that people either loved or hated, chocolate bunnies, and chocolate covered marshmallows. Today a lot of non-traditional toys are found by happy children everywhere. Back in the day we may have had one small toy, but it was about the basket and the candy mostly, and if you could hunt for Easter eggs, that was the fun part! Some plastics eggs had treasures and real coin could be found! Back then coins were able to buy more candy!

Once you were done finding treasures you had to get ready for church. Dressing up was extra special with spring colors, and new clothes to celebrate the day with spring’s arrival. You were on your bestest behavior. Many people would come that morning to worship, sing, praise and pray, because this was one of the most special days to celebrate that He is risen. How wonderful that service would be.

Of course after church with Easter came family time and relatives visiting. Dinners were family oriented and favorite dishes were prepared. Oh, the aroma was hard to wait for when we’d gather at the table and get served the delicious homemade dishes. Even though you shoved in the sugar early in the morning, you were ready to have some real food.

I hope this brought back some wonderful Easter memories for you! You all have a Blessed Easter Sunday!

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