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Building an Outdoor Living Space

We just know warmer weather is around the corner! We can almost see it! With that in mind, nothing is more inviting being outside in warm, sunny weather like an outdoor living space. What does that mean? Well, it’s a space you create where you can relax, sit comfortably, have a place for cold beverages, a place to cook and enjoy meals. What you picture is sort of your living room and kitchen, but sitting outside in a space you make that stays out of rainy weather just in case it may rain.

It’s possible to have an outdoor living space with no cover. It could be placed in your yard with limestone, brick, designed pavers, or concrete if you prefer as flooring. Maybe you want a little wall or fence around it for more privacy. But, deciding what materials to use is only part of the fun. Designing that area is where you can really be creative. Possibly you enjoy sitting under the trees, so you create something surrounding them; making them a part of the overall design. Maybe you want a beach-like oasis to be your get-away from reality. That really does sound like fun!

The first thing you want to do before you start designing is find out, before you do any digging, that it is safe from any power lines, or utilities that may be underneath by calling a professional in those areas to come out and inspect to be sure it’s safe. Also, if you have a strict code in your neighborhood, or city, be sure to check what zoning permits are needed. Being aware, informed and law abiding is really important before you spend all your energy on the design. It might make a difference in placement and how you decide to create that design.

So, you’ve got the “clear” to go ahead, and you pull out your paper to draw design ideas, looking in home improvement, landscape and outdoor magazines can inspire so many. There’s a variety of colors to choose from, but if that’s not your fancy, being creative with natural elements might be of interest. Perhaps large rocks to sit on, or furniture you may be talented to build yourself! The possibilities are endless in the design world! Most of these designs, depending on the difficulty and size, are a weekend project. But, be very careful! If you’re too good, you might just end up being in demand to do your neighbors and friends’ outdoor living spaces as well!

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